
To support students in taking advantage of the opportunities at academic conferences, QMSS and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences both provide funding support for travel to conferences and conference registration.

Please also visit our Papers and Presentations page to see how previous students have used this resource.

QMSS will provide funds of up to $300 for conferences in the United States and up to $600 for international conferences. Students can be reimbursed for conference registration, travel to the conference, and/or hotel fees. To apply for conference funding, you will need to complete the following: To complete before travel:

Acceptance email

  • Receipt for registration at the conference (that includes the cost of registration)
  • Description of conference Domestic students: W-9 form (if have not previously filed at CU)
  • International students: W-8 form

To complete after travel

  • Proof of attendance (photocopy/photo of the program)
  • Columbia Business/Travel Expense form
  • Compiled itemized receipts for claimed expenses (NOTE:  Receipts for travel must indicate the dates of travel, and the dates must correspond closely to the day(s) of your attendance at the conference.  Boarding passes alone are NOT sufficient proof.)

Additional GSAS Funding

QMSS students can receive additional funding from GSAS. The GSAS Conference Matching Travel Fund helps GSAS students in Arts and Sciences programs to present a paper or poster at national and international conferences. Awards from the Conference Matching Travel Fund may be used to defray the cost of registration, travel, and lodging. GSAS will then match the funds provided by the department, up to a maximum of $250.

How to apply

  1. Before the date of the conference and in advance of the deadline stated below, students must submit the following documents to their department or program
  1. After reviewing the worthiness of the proposal submitted and the significance of the conference in which the presentation will be delivered, to approve the application the DGS must sign the application and indicate the amount of funds the department or program is willing to provide. (GSAS will match funds provided by the department, up to a maximum of $300.)
  2. The completed form should then be delivered to the Office of Student Affairs in 107 Low Library